The big 2-0! :)
Today was my 20th birthday. I have to say that it was a pretty good day overall, I went to the doctor for an appointment and found out that I am almost 2 cm dilated, which is good news considering! :) I really think it was going out with Erik and Jason in the Blazer that did it! Also, I got my hair cut SHORT after having it pretty long for almost a year now, and I like it so much better! :) I can actually style it cute rather than just having it hang flat on my head! Then tonight when Jason came home from work he brought me my favorite flowers - Gerber Daisies! He also got me a picture frame to put next to the bed on my nightstand, to put a picture of me and him in it, and also a really sweet card. :) I love him so much, I am so spoiled! We then went to dinner at the nice restaurant in town, Ernie's Steakhouse. It was really nice to spend that time with Jason, because I feel like after the baby is born we will both be a little pre-occupied... but anyways, after dinner we went to my grandma's house for cake and presents, and my mom got me a really nice card (she got us so much for the baby and Christmas, there was no need for a birthday present!) and my grandparents' got me an electric skillet, which I am so excited to use! We got an electic griddle for Christmas and we don't know how we lived without it! Our next appliance on the list is a crock-pot...maybe grandma and grandpa will get one for Jason for his birthday. :)
We are just waiting around for the baby to be born, but I am sure after she is here we will wish that we had a little more time before she came! :) Oh well, we'll be more than ready, I think!
i am so excited about Nichole. Everytime I think about it I get all choked up. I am glad to hear you had a nice birthday. we will talk to you soon hey if you start walking alot yoiu might have a baby. :)
7:32 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! you're still a baby! only 20- congratulations! cannot wait to hear about baby girl Nichole! good luck during delivery and everything that goes with it. I'm sure I'll hear form Heather or Steve about the actual arrival!!!!
7:16 PM
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