Monday, February 20, 2006

oUr FiRsT wEeK hOmE wItH bAbY nIcHoLe...

Our first week home with Nichole has been a learning experience, that's for sure! It has been kind of tiring, but mostly it's been fun! We've been taking pictures of her left and right (the picture above is Nichole at 9 days old), and taking her around to see everyone. Jason just had to go back to work today, and I already wish that he was home! I miss him so much, I kind of got used to having him here with me all least I wasn't so bored then, and I like having him around.
I can tell that it will take a little getting used to having a baby to take care of all day - it's a little bit stressful. I guess that I am doing okay, I am just kind of sad sometimes - just trying to get everything in order and wanting my old body back and worrying if I am doing a good job of being a mom when Jason isn't here to help me. I guess those are normal concerns, and it's normal to feel kind of down the first week or two. :) Everything will get better once I get used to it, I am sure of that. I guess that's it for now!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Her first picture smiling! :) I caught her "smiling" (most people will tell you it's just gas at this age) and I just had to get a picture of it! This is after she got her first at-home bath from Jason and I. She didn't like it too much, she kept sliding out of her baby bath so Jason had to hold her down while I washed her. Then we wrapped her up in a towel and she liked that a lot; she was happy as a clam. LOL BUT THEN we had to be mean and get her dressed, which she fussed over tremendously. But when it was all said and done, she was clean, she smelled good and she wasn't cold anymore!
We got home from the hopsital today around 2:00 pm. Nichole has pretty much been sleeping since, and I am writing this at 8:00 pm! I guess it's good that she feels comfortable here - we personally think that babies can sense their parents' stress and moods, and Jason and I were so stressed out at the hosptial, and now here at home we are more at ease. Everything is just so much more familiar and it just feels good to be able to be in our home with our new daughter!
Well, my labor went pretty well, considering what all we had to go through! They didn't have to induce me, I started having regualr contractions Wednesday morning around 4:30, so we went to the hospital and they admitted me. By the time I was a 10, my pain meds had worn off and I couldn't get anymore, so I pushed for two hours without pain medication and I strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND that method to ANYONE! I guess if you are brave enough to go through that without pain meds, then more power to you! But anyways, after the two hours had gone by and she still wasn't coming any further down, they decided to do a cesarian section. Jason and I weren't too happy with the thought, but we figured as long as they got her out and she and I were okay, it didn't matter how she entered the world. So they wheeled me into surgery and about and hour later Nichole Jean White was born! I was kind of in and out of consiousness, but I remember bits and pieces of things. It was a neat experience non-the-less, and worth every bit of the pain!
Nichole was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20.5 inches long when she was born, and she has the most GORGEOUS dark blue eyes! We hope they don't change too much, but if they do, we are pretty sure they will be some shade of blue. :)
WELL, that was our week. Now we are just settling in and getting used to the idea of being parents. We are thrilled and we can't wait to see what the future has in store for our little girl! :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Our Baby!

This Is A pic of our baby I am Kidda in a hurry I have to grt back to the hospital but I will post more